Sunday, May 4, 2008

Imaginary Lily

I know a lot kids have an imaginary friend at some point in their lives. When Hunter was younger, he had an imaginary friend named "Geeky", who was a mouse. He would go everwhere with us. Lily, in true fashion, has to put a twist on having an imaginary friend. Lately, instead of having an imaginary friend, she is the imaginary friend. She likes to pretend to be someone else - a child I have never met. She says that she has gotten lost from her family, and asks if she can stay with us because we look "nice". She pretends not to know any of us, and politely inquires about my family. A couple days ago, she took it one step further and was pretending to be the little lost girl playing with my daughter Lily, who was imaginary. I can harldy keep up with her! She is the only kid I've ever met who didn't have an imaginary friend, but was the imaginary friend. Oh, and this is just a bonus pic of Lily on her way out the door, looking like a "rock star"!


oodlesofoversons said...

She is a TOTAL crack up! I love it!

Jenn said...

That's stinkin awesome! I love that kid!

Jill said...

At least you're never bored! She is so funny.

Mandi said...

Ok, I am LOVING that. Lily has one wicked imagination. I love her SO much! Can't wait to watch her box some more over summer! See you sooN!

Tiffany said...

That is hilarious...and one serious imagination! I love that she's asked you about your family! I'm cracking up picturing the scenario.

Anonymous said...

Definitely a new twist on the imaginary friend thing. The closest I got to imaginary friends was befriending (talking to) the monsters that lived under mine and my parents' bed.