Wednesday, September 9, 2009

On the Road

The one advantage of having a daddy that travels a lot is getting to tag along with him when he travels in the summer. This summer, we hit the road with dad and headed for the mountains. If you ever need to find a park in a small mountain town, give us a call because we probably know where to find one!

Our first stop was Idaho Springs where we found...a playground!

Then we spent some time in Telluride...

enjoying the beautiful views!

Notice the name of the mountain range!

We rode the gondola from Mountain Village into Telluride and found a yummy ice cream shop.

Then we played in Winter Park.

And played mini golf in Glenwood Springs.

It was quite a trip!


Jill said...

I love that Sophie has her leash on. You act like she'd run away from you or something :)

Tiffany said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! I love that you go to far away places...and then find playgrounds. We're the same way. In fact, I can tell you about a good one in Green River that we stopped at on the drive to Provo. ;)