Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I ask myself this question hundreds of times a day. Kids have a way of making you go "hmmm??". More often than not, my why's are in reference to my sunshine, my youngest child, my Sophie. For example:

WHY are you obsessed with stickers, and WHY does every single sticker have to go directly to your face? It is a very strange phenomena, like they are caught in a tractor beam and dragged to the end of her nose. The first sticker always goes right on the end of that little button nose, and she can walk around that way for hours. I don't know how she stands it, it drives me crazy just looking at it!

Here are a few other why's I want to record. Someday, I hope I'll laugh about them.

Every time we get in the car, I find myself wondering, WHY do you have to remove your shoes? Every shoe, every time we go anywhere. I told her today that if she took her shoes off again, I would leave her in the car in the garage.

WHY do you have to eat everything with your hands? My beautiful verging on three year-old does not use utensils. She eats salad with dressing with her fingers when she can get away with it. And WHY does everything you eat end up all over your face? No lie, I can give this girl ONE M&M and she will become an absolute chocolate-faced disaster.

OK, I know this it TMI, but WHY do you have to poop your diaper EVERY SUNDAY during Relief Society? It has gotten so ridiculous that when the nursery leader opens the RS room door and Sophie walks in, everyone starts to chuckle. (Great, thanks guys). And if that isn't bad enough, WHY do you announce in full voice every time, "Mommy, I'm poopy!"

WHY do you currently answer every question with the answer "I think so"? Do you need to go potty? I think so. Did you hit your sister? I think so. Did you make that mess? I think so! Either you did or you didn't, just fess up sister!

Oh, and WHY did you feel the need to get out of your bed two nights ago, sneak over to your sister's bed, and remove her socks from her feet while she was sleeping?

Most of all, WHY, despite all of the chaos you bring with you, are you so adorable, loveable, huggable, kissable, wonderful? It's a good thing you are. Kids are like that, aren't they?


Tiffany said...

You're right..Soph and Megan are two peas in a pod. I wonder if they'll get along really well b/c of it...or just fight like crazy. Anyway, Megan is by far the messiest eater I know...same story with the 1 M&M. I watch all of her friends and I'm like--"What's your deal, Megan? Why are you so messy?" I guess she just really enjoys her food..and her face does too. :) And Megan uses utensils....to put her food on her hands and then eat it. I hate it when she does that.

Erika said...

I love the "I think so." That cracks me up! Cole is into... Did you hit your brother? "The Lamanites made me do it!"

Great post!

oodlesofoversons said...

She & Drew are kindred spirits! This made me laugh, because I can totally relate. It will get better, I promise, although Drew still has his moments :0)
Drew used to do the sticker thing in sac mtg and go tot nursery that way. He'd throw a FIT if we tried to take them off!!

Jenn said...

And yet, we still love her like crazy!! (Although, I am one of those that thinks that her consistent timing is a little funny.)