Thursday, April 9, 2009

Pinewood Derby Pro

OK, so really he's a Pinewood Derby rookie, but he sure acted like a pro. Tonight was the much awaited night to race that little wooden car we have spent so much time building!

He had the best car before the race even started, because it was painted in Cougar Blue with a BYU logo. That's my boy!

Here he is waiting for his next heat. He raced sixteen heats, and he won more than he lost. Way to go bud!

That's his car on the left (in front!). Doesn't it just look fast? We had a lot of fun at the derby, and most of all, I was proud of what a good sport Hunter was. He can be pretty competitive, but he didn't show it in the least. Maybe I should find out what his secret is!


Jenn said...

Maybe he should teach his auntie too. Heaven knows she could use some lessons in keeping her mouth shut!! :)

oodlesofoversons said...

how cute is he in his Scout uniform! Love it! And I love his BYU car....nice job!

Bethany said...

Pinewood Derby - Ugghh. Hunter is cute though.