Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Travelogue, Day Three (Tuesday)

IKEA. Need I say more? Tuesday was a day for me. I had my very first visit to IKEA. Now I guess I know what all the fuss is about.
I could've wandered through that enormous store all day long. Especially since Hunter and Lily were in the play area being supervised FOR FREE! We even had lunch at the IKEA Cafe - thanks Nana! Yummm....swedish meatballs. Shopping, lunch, babysitting, all in one place! What a store!


Christina said...

I had my first ikea experience recently and I think I could live there--I hope they hurry and get going on the one by park meadows!!!

Mandi said...

oooooh, gotta love IKEA!

oodlesofoversons said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE it there. I have it down to a science so I can run in and get something really fast even when I have Ethan with me! If you can go back buy some Diam's in the food section. They are in a red bag...they are like tiny Heath bars. Yum.

Kari said...

I keep hearing a rumor that we are getting an IKEA here- please oh please!