Friday, September 12, 2008

Smarter Already

Lily has now been a kindergartener for three full weeks, and she already knows it all. We were sitting in the car today waiting for Hunter to come out of school when this conversation occurred:

Lily: Mom, did you see that boy running down the sidewalk?
Me: (thinking, of course he's running, it's Friday afternoon...) Yes
Lily: You shouldn't run on the sidewalk. If you have to run you should do it in the grass.
Me: Really, why?
Lily: (exasperated with my obvious stupidity) MOM, because if you fall the grass is a lot softer than the sidewalk.
Me: You're right about that
Lily: Plus mom, you know it's called a sidewalk and not a siderun

Wow, if only I were as smart as Lily.


oodlesofoversons said...

Well, you gotta give her props for thinkin' it through! Are you guys coming for conference this year?? & what are your thoughts on the host? If you can just make it through the first 5 chapters, it gets pretty good...i thought!

Tonz said...

I love it! :)