Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Real Cub Scout

I can't believe that we have a real Cub Scout in our house! But doesn't he look grown up and handsome? Yes, I cried when he left for his first den meeting. Lucky for him, I was not the one that took him to the church that night! So far, he is having a lot of fun! Bless those poor, dear Cub Scout leaders!!


oodlesofoversons said...

Isn't that crazy? If they had had an outfit for Sydney when she went to he rfist Activity Days, I would've bawled all day long!! It's hard to see these babies grow up!

Angie said...

Speaking of which, why don't they have an outfit for the girls? I mean, obviously a girl would appreciate a special outfit much more than a boy. However, Hunter is pretty into the uniform thing. Last night when he got ready for bed, rather than putting the cub scout shirt into the hamper, he handed it directly to me and asked if he could have it "express washed" to make sure it would be ready for pack meeting next week. I ALMOST laughed out loud.

Anonymous said...

He does look very handsome and I love the "express wash" comment, it's so Hunter.