Monday, September 22, 2008


After school is seriously not my favorite time of day. It seems that is when the bedlam really begins. Snacks, stories of the day, all the kids back together...and homework. Hunter is at that blessed age where I pretty much hand him a snack, he downs it, and then off he goes to do his homework on his own. I give it a cursory glance when he's finished, and in the mean time I start dinner, vacuum, chase Sophie, whatever needs to be done. Lily, on the other hand, is a different story. She has started bringing home her once a week homework- get it on Thursday and return it the following Wednesday. It's so enriching...(not!) Maybe for a kid whose parents don't pay any attention to them whatsoever. Furthermore, I have become convinced that the homework is conceived of by some pencil pushing workbook writing ding dong who has never had children. Our assigment today was to walk around the house finding everything we could with a number on it. Seriously?!? I want her to take her homework seriously, so I kept my mouth shut and didn't cut her off as we wandered the house. But do you have any idea how long it can take when you tell a five year-old to find every number in the house??? Every electronic appliance, every remote control, phone, calendar, food package, shampoo bottle, medicine box, magazine, book, UPC code, CD case, clock, measuring cup, piece of get the idea. I thought it would never end. Needless to say, we'll be having dinner late tonight. You gotta love homework.


Vanessa said...

I so agree! We had the same homework last week and Carter looked at me and said "Seriously?" Yes, I know it is crazy!

FrugalProfessor said...


This Girl said...

Yeah, I was kind of the grouchy mom in kindergarten. I told Ms. Sanja that I really didn't care if he did it or not because it was so ridiculously below his level. She is a great teacher because she was fine with it.

I'm not looking forward to next year when I have two kids doing homework after school.

Tiffany said...

That's pretty awful. At least she didn't start listing the name of every book you own (b/c of the page numbers...). :) I used to think that I was looking forward to doing homework with my kiddos...but now I'm not so sure. :)

oodlesofoversons said...

It's true...Syd does ok, but it takes all afternoon for me to convince Drew to even get his done...since writing is challenging for him, he fights it like crazy. And it's the worst when Darrin is out of town or working really late! I would've gone CRAZY with that numbers assignment! Like the teacher is even going to look at the results...

Bethany said...


Kari said...

And we still will have one more to add into the homework/after school mayhem! :)