Wednesday, September 17, 2008

OK, so I admit it. My kids are counting the days until HSM 3 comes out. (It's 37, in case you're wondering.) Hunter even asked me if I would let him camp out for tickets on a school night. (Yeah right!) So when I saw this JibJab, I knew it had to be done. Enjoy, my little HSM fanatics! And if you haven't gotten on the bandwagon yet, (Nikki and Jenn!!), there's still time to borrow our DVDs before October 24th arrives!

(Make sure to pause the player at the bottom and turn up your sound before pressing play!)


oodlesofoversons said...

I know...and I'm actually going to be gone on a girl's weekend when it comes out. I wonder if Darrin will take them to that all on his own...prob not! If it's as cheesy as #2 was, I do not want to pay full price to see it. Not a Vanessa fan...

SnellieFam said...

Wow! That was a little bit scary, but very cute!

Troy said...

Aw, Angie, you beat me to the punch! I was going to do the same thing and post it on Monson Memories. Oh well, it's still too funny.