Thursday, August 14, 2008

You know it's time for school to start when...

your love of sleeping in a little, your love of a flexible schedule, and your love of being with your kids all day every day is overwhelmed by the craziness caused by said children because they have just had too much "quality time" together. Anyone else counting the days? Don't get me wrong, I love my kids. I am kinda sad to see my Lily Bug start kindergarten. But they need to go back to school before they kill each other!


Jill said...

Yeah, how I wish I was sending someone to school here pretty soon! I'll have to get creative to keep them from killing each other!

Jenn said...

Umm...I am counting the days, I think that we are under 400 now...SO SAD! Are we sure she can't go to kindergarten with Lil?

oodlesofoversons said...

A-freakin'-MEN! MONDAY...can't come soon enough!