Friday, August 8, 2008

Quality Time

We got a lot of it in July! The Healey reunion (Ty's mom's parents) was at Snow Mountain Ranch this year, near Winter Park. Yeah for us! That's a drive I can handle. Since the reunion was in Colorado this year, we just waited for everyone to come to us. We got to have Tyler's folks here for almost two weeks, along with lots of his siblings and cousins, nieces and nephews. I think I need to sleep through August just to catch up! One of the unwritten rules when Monsons get together is that you have to stay up very late every night playing board games and card games. I love it! We have so much fun together and laugh so much, it far outweighs a few nights of lost sleep.

We spent four days up at Snow Mountain Ranch in the beautiful seventy degree weather and surrounded by the few trees that the pine beatles haven't killed. We had SO MUCH FUN! One of the highlights for our kids was eating three meals a day in the cafeteria. Strange but true. We mini golfed, roller skated, played games, and generally enjoyed being together. We spent part of one day at Winter Park, (more on that later), and actually got all of us in a picture. This is all of the Harold Monson clan, minus Trent, a.k.a. Elder Monson, currently serving his mission in Puerto Rico.

A special thanks to Brian for the AWESOME pictures. We are glad to have some decent photos as a memory of our time together. (The good ones are his. The crappy ones are mine!)

Roller Skating...(or at least trying hard!)

Playing outside

Up close with nature. The kids were SO thrilled about seeing this fox, they talked about it all week.


Mandi said...

That middle picture of the family is AWESOME. You look gorgeous! Nice work Brian.

oodlesofoversons said...

That looks like you had such a great time. Is that where we had the Monson reunion after I lived in Chicago for the summer? It looks familiar...your kids are getting so dang big!!!

El Tigre said...

Yes Andrea, that is the same place where we had the reunion the summer after you were living with us. Man, that was a LONG time ago!