Saturday, August 2, 2008

I survived!

Another of July's highlights was our ward's Girls Camp. As the YW president, it was my opportunity to go to camp with the girls. There's only one problem...that requires actual camping. You know, tent, outhouse, cold nights, bugs...the whole nine yards. Those who know me know that I am NOT a camper. I'd really rather be in a Holiday Inn somewhere. But the good part of camp is the girls, and we had a lot of fun. We camped at Pickle Gulch campground, just outside of Black Hawk. Unbelievably, it did not rain a drop the entire time we were there, a Girls Camp first for me. Another Girls Camp first was the bear that was very near our campground. We never saw him, but some our hikers heard him, and we saw his tracks. We're pretty sure he went right past one of our tents the second night we were there.

I also survived the hike, which I was very proud of. This picture was taken when we got to the top.

Don't we look cute in our matching hoodies? Another highlight of camp! Thanks to great camp leaders, we had a wonderful week. Now if I could just catch up on my sleep...


oodlesofoversons said...

AAAWWWW...that looks like so much fun! Seriously! And I'm proud of you, Angie! What a trooper!

Mandi said...

I am proud of you too! Looks like fun. Miss ya!

Kari said...

What hoodies? We got jipped! Looks like it was a success all around- good work (until next year, right?)

We start school in a couple of weeks- we need to get together!

Bethany said...

How cute. Didn't we have those girls in primary together? Great job!