Monday, June 9, 2008


The week after preschool graduation, Lily and her preschool friends got to go on a field trip to the CANDY FACTORY! As you can imagine they were very excited, even before the sugar ingestion began. But the free samples didn't hurt! Here is a recap of the trip, in Lily's own words:
"When we got there, we colored while we waited, and we wore a candy hat. Teacher Lori gave us a piece of candy while we waited. We went on a candy tour in the candy factory. I saw people making candy, and we got to watch a movie and saw how they made some candy. I saw people making candy canes. I ate two more pieces of candy that were samples. One was like a carmel and one was just a piece of candy but it was PINK! There were three pieces, a purple piece, a yellow piece, and a pink piece, and I chose the pink piece. At the end, we bought a candy stick in the store, and then we went home."


oodlesofoversons said...

How fun! YUM!

Troy said...

Ah, I bet the parents were loving their kids that day...

Anyway, that really does sound like a fun trip. I'm glad Lily got to go, and had a good time.