Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Curious Birthday Party

Curious George that is!! Since Lily and Sophie have birthdays only six days apart, we decided to combine their birthdays into one grand party this year. The one party theme that they could agree on was Curious George, so we had a monkey filled party! (Sophie loves Curious George, and we often joke that Sophie and George are kindred spirits, as they are both naughty monkeys!) Anyway, we celebrated on Sophie's birthday, which was the only day for weeks that we could actually have all of the cousins, aunts, uncles, nana, papa, and grandma all in the same place at the same time.

The Party Girls! Of course, they are both decked out in PINK!

Monkey cupcakes! I am "cake retarded", but I even thought these turned out pretty well!

Blowing out her candles

Sophie was, not surprisingly, very into opening her presents!

A big pile pf presents for two little girls! Thanks for all the thoughtful gifts, fam!!


oodlesofoversons said...

I'm really impressed with those cupcakes, quite frankly.

Mandi said...

TYhat was fun, and your cupcakes rocked. Way better than I could do. Lil looks like such a pretty pretty princess there in her throne.