Wednesday, April 23, 2008


One of the "blessings" of being the Young Women president is spearheading the fundraiser for camp. This year, we decided to do it with the Young Men and have a luau and silent auction, which took place last Saturday night. It was SO MUCH WORK, so I am breathing a sigh of relief that it's over. Everyone I have talked to says they had a great time, (I was too stressed and crazy to notice), and we were glad for the support we got from the ward. I couldn't resist sharing a few of the pictures from the big night.

We have a wonderful family in our ward, the Fifitas, who helped with the Luau. We couldn't have done it without them. They actually roasted the pig in their backyard! You gotta have a picture of that! Hunter and Lily were fascinated with the pig. I was worried that they would think it was gross, but they still had pork for dinner!

One of the highlights of the night was having the Fifta men share a dance with us. It's called the haka, and it's a Maori dance with lots of stomping and chanting. After they did the haka, they had the men and boys get up on the stage and do the "white man's haka" with them. It was TOO funny. Our camera isn't the greatest, so the pictures of the dance are a little blurry, but but you get the idea. That's Hunter in the white on the right.

All in all, it was a very exciting night. The best part is, it's OVER!


Jenn said...

Man, I was hoping that you would publish the picture of the grown men (Ty, Tom, Trav, etc.) doing the haka. It was a great night! The YW were amazing!

Angie said...

The pictures didn't turn out very well, (as you can see), but I'll email you some!

Tiffany said...

Wow...a real roasted pig. You guys went all out! It looks like a fun night!! :)

oodlesofoversons said...

I'm really proud of you for pulling that off. Darrin's sister married into a Tongan family and they do SO much work to put these things together...all the time! You guys did a great job and I hope the youth appreciated it all...HA HA!!!

Mandi said...

Looks fun. Sorry we missed it!

Kari said...

Wow! What an amazing event. I love the Fifitas!! We aren't doing a fundraiser and let me tell you I'm not too sad!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Everything looked great! Our building is sooo.... ghetto compared to yours. LOL We attended the YW fundraiser dinner & auction for our ward and I have to be honest that I think Troy and I would both agree that we'd rather have been at yours. Roasted pig vs. cold spagetti w/sauce. Hmmm... But, we have to give them credit for trying. ; )

Bethany said...

It sure is handy knowing a family that can
A: find a pig to roast
B: roast it in their yard
C: dance in almost no clothes at church

We love the Fifitas.