Thursday, April 17, 2008

Deep Thoughts...

Sophie and I were having one of our deep, heartfelt conversations last night. I have these conversations with Sophie because: a. she's getting her diaper changed and she can't walk away b. she listens, (or at least pretends to) and c. she has no idea what I'm talking about, so I am really just talking to myself. Anyway, we're having one such converation last night as I am getting her in her jammies:

Mom: (feeling nostalgic) "Soph, you are getting to be such a big girl!"
Sophie: "yeah"
Mom: "I don't think I like it, not one little bit."
Sophie: (nodding her head) "bit"
Mom: "Do you like being a big girl?"
Sophie: "Yeah. Naughty."

You got that right sister! She may not talk much, but her words say volumes.


Jenn said...

What is it about that word? Lizzie loves to tell me that she, sissy, and everyone else are "naughty". Most of the time, she's right.

Tiffany said...

I LOVE it!

Mandi said...

That is RAD! Hey...she knows who she is!

Kari said...

Hmmm... where do they hear that word?

I love it!