Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Catching Up

I have been putting off "blogging" because life has been so busy lately. Every day I think, "I'll find a few minutes tomorrow". Then tomorrow comes, and it's just as busy as yesterday! So today, I have set the transcription and the house cleaning aside for a few minutes, (let's be honest, I never really clean house anyway), to share a few recent tidbits with you.

A couple of days ago, Hunter asked me to make him a list of the fifty states in "ABC order" on his dry erase board. Not that he needed to know, he just wanted to know if I could do it. So after putting it off, I finally got around to it. I made the list after he went to bed and left it out for him to find in the morning. Unfortunately, I apparently used Lily's dry erase marker to do it. I was not aware at the time that this was a capitol offense, but this seems to be the case. Lily was downright ANGRY. So, being the reasonable four year-old that she is, she directed all of her anger at her brother, even though I was the one that used the marker. Anyway, they had a little tiff, and then I left to take Hunter to school. When i got home, I found this:
She had erased the list of fifty states to make way for her revenge. If you look closely, you can see that it is a picture of Hunter (marked with an "H") using her marker with a big old "X" drawn over the top. What a snot! The problem was, when Tyler and I realized what she had done, we had a pretty good laugh.
Last time Dad was out of town, I was once again struggling to get everyone to pay attention to family scrpiture reading. I finally said told Soph that she needed to sit down and pay attention. I asked her "Where are you going to sit for scriptures?" and she said "basket!" She proceeded to hop into the laundry basket, and there she sat until we were done. A miracle! So now, I guess we know the key to peaceful scripture reading.
Once again when Dad was out of town, I was getting ready to take Hunter to school and I thought to myself: "It's a really good thing no one can see us when we drop him off in the morning!" We would scare everyone away. Lily was wearing her "dancing dress" over her yellow shortalls with a parka and flip flops. Soph was still in her jammies, but insisted on having her shoes put on OVER the top of her sleeper. Her morning hair is awesome! You'll notice there's no picture of me, but I will tell you that my outfit included pink fuzzy slippers!

So, nothing too exciting has happened at our house latey, but I guess every day can be exciting in it's own way. Here's hoping your days are exciting too!


Jenn said...

OBVIOUSLY you were wearing slippers. I have no idea what other people wear on their feet before 9 AM! Man am I toast when Tori starts school! I LOVE Lil's drawing! The girl has spunk (is she mine?)!

Anonymous said...

Ok, this post is downright hilarious!!! Sophie looks cute and pretty in the basket and then you scroll down and she looks like a mini of those 40-something moms who just don't care that you see pushing a cart through Walmart. You know the one's I'm talking about. Lily beautiful as ever. Hunter... Well, I jut don't think that drawing does him justice on how very handsome he is. I'm still laughing.

Tiffany said...

Your kids are funny Ang. Thanks for taking a break and posting. :) Sophie looks so grown up, I can hardly believe it and I still totally love Lily's hair!

Kari said...

Mornings are awesome! So glad you captured it on film! I wonder what people at Will's preschool think about me and Ella. Thank heavens Connor rides the bus.

Lilly cracks me up! The love/hate relationship of siblings me laugh!