Monday, March 10, 2008

Where has my baby gone?

Today is one of those days. No, not the one of the days where you find yourself contemplating all the ways you can run away from home before they cart you off to the funny farm. (Although if you give me an hour or two, it might also become one of those days!) I am talking about one of those days where both of the older kids are at school, and Mom and Soph have some time together. And I am sitting here wondering, "Where has my baby gone?!?!" I was doing her hair this morning, and I forget how long it's getting because it's so curly. So I combed it out and realized that it was long enough for pigtails! Only big girls wear pigtails! Then we went downstairs, and Soph was having a wonderful time sitting, (I know! Can you believe it?! She was sitting!), reading herself a book. She just looked so big. And it was one of those days, where I realized that we are fully into toddlerhood, and my baby is gone. Well, I guess the old saying is true. Time really does fly when you're having fun.

Sophie being Sophie...

Blowing raspberries on a rubber ball

(I have no idea, don't ask)

Frog for breakfast, anyone?


Kari said...

Oh, I'm jealous. Ella doesn't have long enough hair for piggies and what she has definitely isn't curly. BUT she too enjoys foreign objects in her mouth! I really can't believe our babies are toddlers!!

Anonymous said...

WOW... I am just sick about how fast time is going by. Sophie is such a little doll and I can't wait to see her again. Before we know it, we'll all be posting wedding pictures from our kids' weddings. Ugh!

Mandi said...

Nice Soph. Forget frog legs..she want the WHOLE frog! I love that whacko. As you can tell from our pgone convo was the otehr kind of day for me. Someone would have called either the funny farm, or CPS! Lol. Can't wait to come home and share a little of Marlee with all her aunties!

This Girl said...

I love the pigtails! She really does look so grown up with her hair like that.

Tiffany said...

Careful Ang...its talk like that that gets you pregnant... :)

Seriously though..Sophie's a doll! We can't wait to see her again this summer!!

Anonymous said...

Ok Tiff, I just have to ask... Is that a read between the lines hint?

Mandi said...

Ok, so can I ask about teh "friends don't let friends play with giant squids" thing?

Angie said...

You can ask, but I don't have a good answer. Ask my husband, "El Tigre" put it there. He thought it was hilarious.