Monday, March 3, 2008

TAG!! I'M IT!!

OK, so I got tagged yesterday for the very first time! Thanks Bethany. ;0) Most of you probably know the details already, (or don't really care!) But anyway, here we go.....
1. What's his name? Tyler
2. How long have you been married? Ten and a half years! We are loving double digits!
3. How long did you date? First date January 17th, engaged March 17th, married July I guess six months!
4. Who eats more sweets? This is a tough one! If it's chocolate I win hands down-he doesn't like it. (And I still married him!)
5. Who said I love you first? I had to ask Ty on this one. His response: "Oh, DEFINITELY me!"
6. Who is taller? He is. At 6' 3", he's hard to beat!
7. Who can sing better? I can, but he's a close second. I've just had training and he hasn't.
8. Who is smarter? That's really a loaded question! I used to be smart before I had babies. Now he's the brains of the operation.
9. Who does the laundry? He does!! Hallelujah! I get a break, plus he's REALLY picky about how his laundry gets folded/hung, so he can do it himself!
10. Who pays the bills? He does. Again, Hallelujah!
11. Who sleeps on the right side of bed? Hmm... from which direction? Facing the bed from the foot, I am on the right.
12. Who cooks dinner? Mostly me, but he is a good cook. He'll definitely make dinner in a pinch.
13. Who drives? He does.
14. Who is more stubborn? Me! And I definitely hold a grudge more than he does.
15. Who kissed who first? I'm going to say that he kissed me first. (On our first date! Shhhh! Don't tell!) I was a total chicken back then!
16. Who asked who out first? He asked me out. We had to stand outside in the cold and "chat" for a long time first! I got so cold I had to go thaw out my feet in a warm tub.
17. Who proposed? He did, on the pier at Lake Michigan in downtown Chicago
18. Who wears the pants? Definitely Tyler, and he can have them! (Except when I want to borrow them for a while....) I tag Jenn, Jen, Jill and Nik! Have fun girls!


Mandi said...

I didn't get tagged for once! That was a fun read.

Tiffany said...

tyler kissed you on the first date? gross...(he's my brother) :)

oodlesofoversons said...

Ummm...I love reading people's tags, but I hate being "it" and I just got tagged with this same one from a friend!

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm dumb or I just missed it but what do I do now?

Angie said...

OK, since you have been tagged you have to copy all of the questions on to your blog and answer them for yourself. Then you can tag whoever you want to do the same thing. To see how it works, click on Peterson Playhouse, that's Jenn and I tagged her too and she passed it on!