Thursday, January 15, 2009

Leave of Absence

Well, that's what I am calling it anyway. That sounds better than "unintentionally failing to pay any attention to my blog whatsoever for almost two months". I am not exactly sure what happened, but December FLEW right by, and here we are. You may have wondered, but we are all still present and accounted for. Our holidays were wonderful, although they sped by much too quickly. My computer is having some serious issues, so I hope there will be Christmas pictures sometime soon, just not today! Meanwhile, life goes on as usual. So, a belated happy new year to all of you, and here's to catching up! I'll put blogging on that list of resolutions I am so great at keeping...


oodlesofoversons said...

It's hard to keep up, especially in Dec. Welcome back ;0)

Mandi said...


Anonymous said...

You are not alone.