Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Hundred Dollar Sticker

This might look like an ordinary sticker, but it's not! At our house, we call it the "hundred dollar sticker". One Sunday morning in February, Hunter and Sophie were horsing around on my bed while I got ready for church. Sophie tried to get off of the bed, and Hunter tried to keep her on the bed by pulling her up by the wrist. Next thing I know, Sophie is screaming in pain. I didn't take it lightly, because Soph is fairly indestructible. She continued to cry over a period of time and complain of pain in her arm, and I became concerned. She wouldn't let me move her arm at all. Tyler was being dilligent and wasn't answering his phone because he was already in meetings at church. So I called Nana, and dropped HK and Lil off with her while Papa rode with us to the emergency room. I could tell that Sophie was in pain, but she was a trooper. We arrived at the Children's Hospital urgent care and the triage nurse told us it sounded like something called "nuresmaid's elbow". I had never heard of that, but now I wish I had. Apparently, in children under six, the end of the bone in the lower arm is not completely formed, and if you pull a small child by the lower arm, this can cause the tendon to slip off the end of the bone and in to the joint space of the elbow. (Or something like that!) Anyway, we waited to see the doctor, but by the time he arrived Sophie was no longer complaining of pain, and somehow she had managed to slip that tendon back into place herself before the doctor even came in. Usually, the tendon has to be manipulated back into place by someone who knows what they are doing. Unbelievable! So, after all of that, all we had to show for our Sunday morning visit to the ER: a hundred dollar copay, and a sticker!


Tiffany said...

You gotta love days like that...

Vanessa said...

It is so nice to have helpful siblings to help toughen you up:) Not that Sophie needs any toughening up!

Jill said...

Just call her Wolverine! Cambri did the same thing when she was about 8 months except it was with a dislocated shoulder. These kids are crazy!

oodlesofoversons said...

AAHHHHH. I'm so sorry. And stuff like that always happens when the hubby is busy doing soemthing important (like their calling). Glad she's ok though!!!

oodlesofoversons said...

p.s. Sunday mornings trying to get ready and out the door without husband's present is SO hard. I told Darrin last week when I got there that I was going to quit coming for a while...like 5 years or so ;0) He didn't like my joke.