This morning was one of those mornings. You've had them too. Dad is out of town again. I am trying to get three kids up, dressed, fed, brushed, packed, etc., etc., etc. Sophie is in her highchair screaming "Lella! Lella!" because she wants the princess cereal. She likes the princess cereal becuase it has marshmallows in it. Unfortunately, she eats ONLY the marshmallows. That's why I don't usually give her the princess cereal. So in a good hearted but misguided attempt to "help", Lily hands Sophie the entire box of cereal. Before I realize what has happened, Sophie has dumped all the cereal left in the box onto her highchair tray. It's her idea of heaven: a huge pile of cereal from which she can remove every single marshmallow. So, since it was one of those mornings I decided to laugh about it, since that was the only way I could think of to save my sanity. As I was watching Sophie have her fun I thought, "It must be nice to pick and choose only the pieces you want." Wouldn't life be a lot easier if we could pick and choose? If we could take the stuff we like, and just leave the less pleasant stuff sitting on the tray? It sounds so good. But then I thought a little bit harder, and I realized, if we never ate the other stuff, we would never really apperciate the marshmallows, would we?
She is really starting to look more and more like a little girl and less like a baby. So Cute! We so need to take a road trip up to visit.
Next time Tyler's out of town call me and I can take Hunter to school. I pass right by your house so it would be on the way. Then you don't have to get all the kids packed up. I don't know when Tyler gets back but if you need me to take him next week I will. Let me know.
You are a gREAT mom! I need to laugh more and learn from my kiddos!
Cute and BTDT!!! Just wanted you to know that I made your American Chop Suey from the Hampden Hills cookbook. It was really good. I only changed one thing I replaced the water chestnuts with carrots.
Well put. I totally agree. We should enjoy the marshmallows. I had one of those weeks too.... Marlee wore her pajamas all day like 3 days this week, and had brownies for breakfast twice. I am supermom, eh'? Just a tired mom who didn't want to fight! Miss you guys.
I loved this post! It's totally true and good to remember to at least try to enjoy the non-marshmallow parts so that life is not too sickly sweet... :)
Reading your blog makes me realize how much I miss talking to you. Your kids are very lucky indeed.
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